Save up to 75% on prescriptions at over 68,000 pharmacies!

This program has LOWEST PRICE LOGIC to guarantee that you get the best deal on your prescriptions (you pay the lower of a discount off Average Wholesale Price-AWP, discount off MAC Pricing, or Pharmacy Promotional/Retail price).

Get your FREE Card Now!

This program is being provided to you and your family to help lower your prescription drug costs. Simply create and print your FREE Prescription Drug Coupon Card above and receive savings of up to 75% (discounts average roughly 30%) at more than 68,000 national and regional pharmacies. This coupon card can be used for potential savings on prescription medications not covered by your insurance. This coupon card is pre-activated and can be used immediately!  *This is not insurance

Free Prescription Discount Assistance Programs

* Our Free Drug Card is Not Insurance. It is a free Prescription Assistance Program designed to help anyone who needs help paying for their medicines. Everyone is eligible for this prescription assistance program. Our drug cards are available in bulk quantities upon request. Simply e-mail us with your name,mailing address and the quantity of drug cards needed for family, friends patients and employees.

* Prescription drug card discounts will vary depending upon the medication and the pharmacy. Try more than one pharmacy if possible.

Generic Drugs: Savings as high as 75% ( average 32%)
Brand Name Drugs: Savings as high as 50%( average 10-20%)
Note: There are some prescription medicines that will not qualify for a prescription discount, but most will.

Send this great money saver to your friends, family, co-workers or HR Department.

To order FREE prescription drug discount cards in bulk, email us at

Questions? Call us toll free at 877-223-2146

Participating Stores